Boutique Yoga Studio in Carlton

Where yoga is for everyone.

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through yoga classes


Elevate Your Wellbeing: Experience Calmness and Strength through Yoga


Natty Yoga 3-min

Hi, and welcome

I am Natty, the founder of Grow ‘N Flow Yoga.

If you are interested in doing a yoga class, then you are in the right spot! Grow ‘N Flow offers daily classes for everyone. Have a look at the class descriptions (link) to see which benefits and level suit you best.

In general, having a consistent practice will increase the benefits – so try a couple of classes. We have an intro offer as well as casual classes, and maybe you might be looking for, is our membership.

When I started adding yoga to my life, I noticed a difference in my state of mind. And believe it or not, yoga isn’t about being flexible or doing headstands, it is an introduction to who you are, your deeper self and being able to use the tools you learn to connect to your inner peace and calm – and you true Inner Self.

I hope you enjoy the experience of our classes.



Yoga is


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